Installing node, npm and yarn

I recommend using nvm (node version manager) to manage your installs of node. There are many different versions, and you may need to have more than one installed and switch between them for different projects.

Installing nvm

For Mac / Linux

Follow the instructions here


Follow the instructions here

Verify nvm is installed correctly

Open a fresh terminal / command prompt on your computer.

Run nvm --version to check nvm has been installed properly.

Installing a node version

Run nvm install node to install the latest version of node to your computer.

Verify node is installed correctly

Open a fresh terminal / command prompt on your computer (this is important to check it's working properly).

Run node --version to check node has been installed properly and npm --version to check npm has been installed properly.

Installing yarn

Once you have node and npm installed you can install yarn using npm.

npm install --global yarn

You can then verify yarn is installed properly by running: yarn --version