React Props

React has a concept called 'props'. This is how we pass arguments to our components. Props look a lot like HTML attributes.

const Cat = (props) => <p>Meow my name is: {}</p>
//           ^^^^^                          ^^^^^^^^^^

props is the parameter of your Component.

const Geoff = () => <Cat name={'Geoff'} />
// Renders <p>Meow my name is: Geoff</p> on the screen

In this case we're calling our Cat function with a single prop: name with a value of 'Geoff'.

<Cat name={'Geoff'} /> is like saying: Cat({name: 'Geoff'})

Both would return <p>Meow my name is: Geoff</p>

  • Props is always a Javascript object of key value pairs
  • Props can be any Javascript value


<Stars stars={5} color="yellow" /> // the stars prop is a number, the color prop is a string.

<Fruit fruit={{name: 'Banana', color: 'yellow'}} /> // fruit prop is an object

<Languages languages={['Javascript', 'Elixir', 'Python']} /> // languages props is an array

Reusing code

React's props make components very reusable.

const Cat = (props) => <p>Meow my name is: {}</p>

  <Cat name="Kipper" />
  <Cat name='Sardine' />
  <Cat name={"Haddock"} />

// Renders:
// <div>
//   <p>Meow my name is: Kipper</p>
//   <p>Meow my name is: Sardine</p>
//   <p>Meow my name is: Haddock</p>
// </div>

Components using class

React also allows you to make components using the class syntax

class Cat extends Component {
  render() {
    return <p>{}</p> //<- This bit is the same

The props are now in this.props rather than just props.

This can still be used by saying: <Cat name={'Geoff'} />

Using classes is slightly more complicated.

The advantages are:

  • You can use this.state and this.setState
  • You can use the lifecycle methods which fire at different points when your components get rendered.


React components can be rendered on the screen for some time. React will make sure that your components stay up to date on the screen as changes happen.

What if props change

If the props change react will rerun your function and the result will be immediately displayed on the screen.

For example:

() => <Cat name={'Geoff'} /> -> () => <Cat name={'Dave'} />

You'll initially see <p>Geoff</p> then you'll see <p>Dave</p>

React takes care of this for you automatically.

Making a change with state

You can't make props change without using state.

  • State is very similar to props.
  • State changes can happen over the lifetime of a component.
  • State is accessed by using this.state - similarly to props
  • State is changed by calling this.setState({newStateGoes: 'here'})
class Cat extends Component {
  constructor() {
    super() // <- This is just always needed
    this.state = {name: 'Geoff'} // Set the initial state
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>
        <p>{}</p> //<- We're accessing state here.

This component can be used like: <Cat />

It will render:

    <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>

When you press the button this.setState({name: 'Dave'}) gets called. State will be updated to be {name: 'dave'}. React will automatically rerender your component as:

    <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>

Using state to change props

You can use this same technique to change props.

const Cat = (props) => <p>Meow my name is: {}</p>

class CatPicker extends Component {
  constructor() {
    super() // <- This is just always needed
    this.state = {name: 'Geoff'} // Set the initial state
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>
        <Cat name={} /> //<- We're passing some state as a prop.

<CatPicker /> initially renders:

    <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>
    <p>Meow my name is: Geoff</p>

Pressing the button will cause the name= prop to change. React automatically rerenders the whole thing:

    <button onClick={() => this.setState({name: 'Dave'})}>Press Me</button>
    <p>Meow my name is: Dave</p>